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Hubei SMZB Science & Technology Innovation Co. Ltd.
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Place of Origin: Registered Capital: ¥0k Enterprise Scale: Business Scope: Unified Social Credit No.
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Supported by the one-of-a-kind duo, craft and marketing, Hubei Shimei Zhenbang Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. is dedicated to the bamboo salt awareness as part of its ethic idea of family-friendly dietotherapy, making it as a green salt hub across China.

Steeped in research on bamboo salt’s jaw-dropping properties, we have rolled out a line branded Panda, together with down-stream products and derivatives, ending up into a range brand of U Salt, across condiments, food and beverage, functional food, leisure food, tea, medicine, toiletries, cosmetics, plant fertilizer, animal feed, and the list goes on.
Panda alcohol
Views: 758
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Bamboo salt fermented bean curd
Views: 653
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Bamboo Salt(Nine Times Baked)
Views: 947
Inquiry: 1
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Lu Yu Maojian(green tea)
Views: 659
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Bamboo Salt(Three Times Baked)
Views: 652
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Bamboo Salt(One Time Baked)
Views: 980
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Luyu Yi (green tea)
Views: 660
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Our products include 2 series: bamboo salt series and bamboo salt + series.  Bamboo salt series products include one roasted uniodinated bamboo salt, three roasted uniodinated bamboo salt and nine roasted bamboo salt solid drinks;  Bamboo salt + series products include Bamboo salt toothpaste, Bamboo salt cosmetics, Panda wine, Bamboo salt soda, Bamboo salt fermented beancurd, Bamboo salt bacon, Bamboo salt duck egg, Bamboo salt soy sauce vinegar and explosive bath salt balls, etc.
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